⚕️ » CBD & Coffee: Can You Perk Up Your Morning with Cannabidiol?

For some people, especially seniors, their relationship with coffee can be a complicated one. Many turn to coffee as the start of their typical morning routine, but coffee can come with some caffeine-related side effects that can be less than pleasant. But fear not coffee connoisseurs, breaking up with your go-to beverage isn’t necessary, and we have CBD to thank for that! 

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is one of many naturally occurring compounds found in cannabis sativa and hemp plants. Often times confused with its psychoactive cousin THC, cannabidiol can provide personal benefits without the “high” associated with THC. As our knowledge surrounding CBD and its many potential therapeutic benefits grow, so does the number of ways you can consume it. Since the 2018 Farm Bill passed, allowing for hemp to be cultivated in the US legally, as long as the threshold of THC is under 0.3%, has increased the market and made CBD flourish. 

CBD oils and tinctures, gummies and edibles, lotions, and creams – are all common methods of consumption and application. One unique way to take your dose of CBD that is gaining popularity is through CBD-infused coffee. A new twist on an old favorite, that could actually solve the rocky relationship of coffee and caffeine. 

CBD-Infused Coffee: Rethinking Your Morning Cup of Joe 

Coffee infused with CBD may sound complex, but it’s actually quite simple and can be easily made at home. Cannabidiol can go well with just about any coffee beverage, whether you prefer a traditional roast, an ice blended drink, cold brew, or any type of latte in between. CBD can be infused during the roasting process or simply added in the form of a CBD oil after your coffee is prepared. By adding a dropper full of your favorite CBD oil to your morning cup of Joe, you may experience the benefits of CBD plus limited to no side-effects from the caffeine. 

CBD and coffee can be thought of as almost a sort of balancing act. Coffee can be a potent stimulant that provides energy as caffeine stimulates the central nervous system and increases alertness. But with that comes the possibility of overdoing it. Too much coffee and caffeine can lead to jitters, increased heart rate, and even anxiety. 

On the flip side, CBD is known for its relaxing capabilities. The sense of calm and well-being often associated with CBD, along with cannabidiol’s anti-inflammatory properties, can aid in the direction of pain relief as well. CBD has even been thought to help promote restful sleep, so combining it with caffeine may level out the two’s active ingredients and properties. By infusing coffee with CBD, you are able to grasp the energizing benefits of caffeine while they are balanced by the relaxing effects of CBD. This leaves you with a level head and an alert, yet a tranquil way to begin your day or add a boost throughout. 

CBD Coffee Made Easy From Home 

First thing first, grab your usual coffee making utensils, whether it’s a French press and grounds, a standard drip coffee maker, or your machine and whole beans for grinding. Simply prepare your favorite coffee beverage as you normally do, then add in your choice of CBD oil. One dropper full is typically one dose, so use your tincture according to how you typically dose your CBD. Use a spoon to mix together your drink, or better yet use a frother or blender to really combine the oil with your coffee beverage. Find a great CBD oil to add to your coffee by clicking here

CBD & Coffee: How To Perk Up Your Morning with Cannabidiol

Richard Cowan

CBDSeniors.com co-founder is long-time marijuana legalization advocate, Richard Cowan. Cowan’s December 1973 cover-article in the late William F. Buckley’s National Review magazine, calling for American Conservatives to support marijuana legalization drew international attention the absurdity of marijuana prohibition and was described as opening a new front in the drug war.

In The December 6, 1986 issue of National Review, Cowan’s cover article, How the Narcs Created Crack, is credited with introducing “the Iron Law of Prohibition” and became the subject of a book on the economics of contraband, the stronger the drugs.
From August 1992 to August 1995 Cowan served as executive director of NORML. Cowan decided to help found CBDSeniors.com because the remnants of marijuana prohibition continue to block access to CBD in many areas, and prohibition makes standardized testing more difficult. He also wants to de-stigmatize the cannabis plant to senior citizens who were fed lies and misinformation throughout their entire life. Cowan now lives in Europe where he works with marijuana legalization activists.

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Richard Cowan

CBDSeniors.com co-founder is long-time marijuana legalization advocate, Richard Cowan. Cowan’s December 1973 cover-article in the late William F. Buckley’s National Review magazine, calling for American Conservatives to support marijuana legalization drew international attention the absurdity of...