What Happens to CBD After Marijuana Is Federally Legal?


In a nutshell

There will be a need for a cannabinoid industry that is separate from the issues involving THC. And this will be necessary for a perceivable future.

I think there might be a need for a cannabinoid industry that is separate from the issues involving THC. I don’t have any problem with the concept of people getting high, and I think that might be less and less of a boogie man as time goes by. But the fact is that there are so many ingredients and cannabis and so many other cannabinoids that we don’t really know about, much less understand in terms of their total effect, that there can be a cannabinoid industry quite separate from “marijuana industries”, separate from basically, in other words, from THC. And this could be necessary for a perceivable future. 

Related: CBD is not a cure-all? True or False? With Richard Cowan. Click here.

Related: The War On Drugs Should Not Include Cannabis, with Richard Cowan. Click here


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